Sunday, October 5, 2008

My Reflections (God I'm Sorry) On Mirrors

Reflections have always seemed other worldly to me. Even as a child, I realized how magical those polished pieces of glass could be. I had a friend named "Lisa" that lived in the mirror that I spoke to all the time. It was later when I discovered they could be frightening. I blame Stephen King's short story "The Reaper's Image" for messing with my head. After I read that tale I covered all the mirrors in my room. When I read about this movie I was a little intrigued.

Directed by Alexandre Aja, I had high hopes for this movie. Aja has never disappointed me. His remake of The Hills Have Eyes is, in my opinion, one of the best remakes I have ever seen. Not to mention High Tension is a great thriller with a fantastic ending. Both of these movies I recommend highly.

Kiefer Sutherland plays a cop that has been let go from the force and takes a security position as night watchman for a burned out department store that was once an insane asylum. Now I know that sounds a bit hokey, but for some strange reason it works. Sutherland starts to see strange visions in the mirrors that are everywhere in this giant store. That's when it starts to get good.

The movie starts off with scares and never lets up. There were times when I found myself truly scared. Which is a big deal, I haven't had a movie scare me in a long time. It wasn't like little "cat" scares either. Oh no. These were honest scares. I enjoyed every one.

The effects are amazing and the story keeps you riveted. It's has a mystery feel to it. You get wrapped up in discovering the who's and whys. The only complaint I had with the movie is when Kiefer Sutherland started to express any other emotion than anger or fear. It seemed a little forced. Not really bad enough to detract from the movie, just a little annoying.

Well, I'm running out of Junior Mints so its time for me to give my opinion. Mirrors is one of the best "new" horror movies I have seen. It's scary, gross & a little heart warming. This is a movie that I will be buying this when it comes out. I would recommend this to any horror fan.

ACTING: PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket
GORE: PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket
HUMOR: ---

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