Sunday, September 6, 2009

And Death Keeps On Rolling...

First it was a plane. Then a deadly car crash. Next an accident on a roller coaster. Now we are back for (insert dramatic music here) THE FINAL DESTINATION. DUN DUN DUUUUUUN!

It's presented in 3D. Everything now is in 3D, Disney 3D, Your momma's 3D. It was cool at first. It's not cool anymore. Please stop. It just gives people a headache. Did Hollywood not learn from the 50's. At least it's not that crappy red/blue 3D.

Death is back. Well technically, Death never really left. It's Death for fuck's sake! This time Death goes to Nascar! Well not really Nascar, but a stock car race that looks a lot like Nascar.
Death is apparently pissed about the standings so he is going to take out a couple of good ol' boys.

It' s the same formula. A group of teens get into an average situation, one of them has a vision of impending doom with gruesome deaths, splatters of blood, lots of people going "AH!" or "EW!" then a snap back to reality. A fight happens. A group of people get thrown out of said situation, and just when you think everyone is safe... BLAMMO! Someone gets it! People freak. The seer is either shunned or thought of as a hero or both. He/She discovers Death's design and the cycle continues. You know the drill. It's been the same for the past 3 movies. No one should be surprised.

The only thing that sets this story apart is they don't even bother to link to flight 180 (even tho the number is seen everywhere.) oh, and of course the 3D!!

Honestly, it wasn't a bad movie. It never has been. It's just it was the same movie. The acting was the same, the story was the same, The deaths were different and pretty damn cool. They always are.

If you really want to see this, see it. You don't need to see it in 3D to enjoy it for what it is. But if you really want to experience the experience watch one of the other Final Destination movies and have a friend throw things at you. Trust me, it will be much pleasurable.



GORE:PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket (it is very gory.)




TFQStudio said...

"then a..."snap back to reality, oh their goes gravity, oh their goes gravity..."

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your blog, you see, I used to love horror movies but about 10 years ago they started giving me nightmares, so I can't watch them anymore, so thanks for the reviews, its like I get to see them in a strange way by reading what you wrote. I stumbled upon this by way of SexyPeople Blog.