Friday, October 23, 2009

Things that go bump, thump & growl (the screener edition)

I have to clarify something before I even begin. I did not see the theatrical release of this film. I saw the screener. It was cut completely different, with different scenes and a totally different ending.

Now with that said I can begin.

The rundown, Paranormal Activity is all about a normal couple, Micha (Micah Sloat) and Katie (Katie Featherston) dealing with some unnatural experiences that have been plaguing Katie since she was eight. Micha goes out and buys a nice video camera and documents everything, and I do mean everything. Bizarre and mundane.

That's about all I can say without giving away anything.

Now there are big differences between the version I saw & the version in theaters. Mainly the way it was edited together and the ending. The ending was changed because of a suggestion by Steven Speilberg. It was changed to a more in your face type of ending. The ending I saw was much more subtle and way more creepy. It was the kind of ending that sticks with you. There was another ending shot that only a few test audiences saw that was a tad more shocking than either of the others. In my opinion the screener ending is the best.

This movie is very slow. Kind of like The Blair Witch Project. A lot of set up was involved to let the audience get to know Micha and Katie. You get to know them and start to feel for them. You realize that Katie is tormented and Micha is a douche. It's not until near the end when you start to feel for Micha.

The effects, what little there are, are fantastic. Especially when you think about the budget, $15,000. You read that right. $15,000. I paid $40,000 for my house! Movies are usually made for a million and that's the cheap B-movies.

Overall Paranormal Activity was a movie that sent chills up my spine. It creeped me out so bad that I had to turn on every light in the house just to go to the bathroom! The screener is a must see. I'm afraid that the theatrical release will pale in comparison. But that will be another review for another time.



GORE:1/2 (only one scene with gore and it was a quick scene.)


SPOOKINESS: PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket



TFQStudio said... was a creepy ass movie!

Finding Roads to Take said...

If this movie creeped YOU out to the point of turning on lights in your house, I'm definitely avoiding this movie. I would be scared out of my wits, I'm sure of it.